How to Update an Kubernetes Image Imperatively.

How to Update an Kubernetes Image Imperatively.

In the rare case you need to update the Container Images Manually instead of managing the Deployment the GitOps Way via FluxCD or ArgoCD. Then see the commands bellow.

With FluxCD you can do the following:

Ask FluxCD to stop managing the Deployment/ Statefulset.

flux suspend kustomization <kustomization-name>

Update the image with the following commands.

kubectl set image statefulsets.apps/<statefulset-name> <container-name>=<image-name>
kubectl patch statefulsets.apps/<statefulset-name> -p '{"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"<container-name>","image":"<image-name>"}]}}'

Ensure the Image has been updated.

kubectl get statefulsets.apps/<statefulset-name>-o=jsonpath='{$.spec.template.spec.containers[:1].image}'

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Media Attribution

I would like to thank Clark Tibbs for designing the awesome photo I am using in my posts.